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TORC BLOG .....perspectives of a progressive cleric...: "Catholic" Kerry Choice. Is THIS What You Support?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

"Catholic" Kerry Choice. Is THIS What You Support?

The abortion issue shows the clearest distinctions between both of these 2004 Presidential candidates. Here’s a run-down of their record and a final voting booth check list….

Pro-life President George W. Bush has:
1. Signed the ban on partial-birth abortion,
2. Defended the same against court challenges,
3. Signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act,
4. Reinstituted the “Mexico City policy” (instituted by Pres. Ronald Reagan since 1984) that bars the used of U.S. foreign aid to promote abortions in other countries,
5. Denied federal funds to the U.N. Population Fund,
6. Nominated pro-life federal judges.

Pro-abortion (a.k.a. “pro-choice”) Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts has:
1. Voted six times against the partial-birth abortion ban,
2. Voted 92 out of 94 times against the positions taken by the National Right to Life Committee,
3. Compiled a 2% pro-life Congressional voting record in U.S. Senate since 1984,
4. Was a co-sponsor of the “Freedom of Choice Act”, which would have prohibited states from placing limits on abortion,
5. Opposes parental involvement in minors’ abortion decisions,
6. Has vowed to reverse the “Mexico City policy”,
7. Vows to “only appoint Supreme Court justices who will uphold a woman’s right to choose.”

Kerry’s Conflicting/Wavering/Dishonest “Catholicism”:
“I oppose abortion, personally, I don’t like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception.” (in an interview with the Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph Herald four months ago)

However, in follow-up interviews, Kerry later said although he believed unborn children were “a form of life,” they were “not the form of life that takes personhood in the terms that we have judged it to be in the past.”

“My personal belief about what happens in, the fertilization process is a human being is first formed and created, and that when life begins.” Then he goes on to say that, “….Within weeks, you look and see the development of it, but that’s not a person yet, and it’s certainly not what somebody, in my judgment, ought to have the government of the United States intervening in.” (July 22, 2004 to ABC’s Peter Jennings & The Associated Press)

Will he even bother to read, let alone heed, the long-awaited catechism on Roman Catholic Church social teachings to be published this Oct. 25th by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace? (The “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church” will be divided into three parts that present the foundations, contents and pastoral applications of Catholic social teachings.)

Pro-abortion Senator John Edwards of North Carolina has:

Since his 1998 election, Voted 11 out of 11 times against the National Right to Life Committee’s positions on abortion-related legislation.

BOTH Kerry & Edwards both got 100% approval ratings from pro-abortion organizations including NARAL, Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Historical Presidential Influence on Abortion Policy via Power of “Checks & Balances” (President signs or vetoes Congressional legislation):

President Bill Clinton (in five executive orders on 1/22/93):
1. Reversed the moratorium on federally funded research involving the use of fetal tissue.
2. Reversed the ban on abortion counseling in federal family planning clinics.
3. Ordered a study of the ban on import of the French abortion pill, RU-486, for personal use.
4. Revoked the prohibition of abortions in military hospitals overseas.
5. Voided the Mexico City policy which had forbidden U.S. foreign aid funding of agencies promoting abortion.

Later in his administration, Clinton also vetoed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act TWICE. (Congress failed to override his vetoes.) However, Pres. Bush successfully signed the life-saving legislation into law last November!

FUTURE Appointments to the United States Supreme Court:

Kerry has vowed that he will NOT appoint a Supreme Court justice who would vote to overturn the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision on abortion! These Justices are likely to retire within the next four years:

1.) Associate Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, 2.) John Paul Stevens, 3.) Ruth Bader Ginsburg and 4.) Chief Justice William Rehinquist.

We know with certainty how Pres. George Bush stands. Therefore, the next president will have the power to determine if abortion remains legal for the next three decades.


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