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TORC BLOG .....perspectives of a progressive cleric...: Holy Innocents Cry Out on All Souls ELECTION Day

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Holy Innocents Cry Out on All Souls ELECTION Day

[Photo shot on Rt. 38 last summer in Racine County, Wisconsin.]

It's fitting that this 2004 Presidential Election falls on All Souls Day. Hopefully, the 300 Million Catholics expected to vote (out of 600 Million nationwide) will hear the soulful pleas of 45 Million aborted innocents in the USA crying out for mercy and justice that day.

A Catholic and Orthodox Christian voter must realize that to vote for a pro-abortion/pro-choice politician in order to support their efforts to keep abortion legal is a grievous or MORTAL SIN! It is formal cooperation in an act that is intrinsically evil. And as Catholic Christians, we ALL have the obligation of helping each other to form our consciences correctly. Although 55% of all Catholics favor keeping abortion legal in some circumstances (and fewer then 10% supporting the criminalization of abortion in all circumstances), there is no latitude or “loop-hole” * on this core issue.

There will be two kinds of voters next month: 1.) intransigent George W. Bush supporters and 2.) those voting against his solid principles. The latter includes the Kerry collaborators who view their candidate as an alternative to the status quo. Unlike our President, J. F. Kerry has no loyal or stable base of his own, only a pack of lemmings rushing towards the crashing waves of his declamations. As they herd towards disaster, no vox populi or obloquy would suffice to characterize him in time. The masses seem blinded to the pointing facts that Kerry is a treacherous scoundrel. This bold-faced nithing is a Benedict Arnold to his country and a Judas to his faith; a quisling on both fronts of his life - the temporal and spiritual. There is no such thing as a “pro-choice Catholic.” That is a contradiction in terms.

Some errant Catholics are relenting to the fallacious reasoning that it’s okay to personally support the culture of life, but wrong to deny others a choice. They argue that they cannot impose their morality on other people. That thinking was reflected in John Kerry’s flawed logic and weak faith when he answered a question in the recent debates pertaining to his belief system possible conflicting with his “pro-choice” rationale. The answer he attempted indicated that he is unwilling to allow the moral principles of his supposed “Catholic Faith” to inform and/or influence his decisions and positions in public life.

And yet he has the unmitigated audacity and shameless gall to dare and approach the Holy Eucharist. He makes a complete mockery of God and legitimate Church authority by sacrilegiously receiving the Body of Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass. In doing so, “he eats and drinks to his own condemnation” (1 Cor. 11:20.) Religion can be personal, but NEVER private. Our ethos, credo and conscience must be reflected in our daily actions – which include the convictions upon which we vote.

Which also begs the question: What kind of deal did the catsup tycoon John F. Kerry make earlier this year in his private meeting with Theodore Cardinal McCarrick of Washington, DC -- The Dean of the American RC Bishops. Why did they all (except for a courageous few Bishops who were ostracized for doing so) wimp out and back down from denouncing his record, condemning this serial baby killer and barring him from receiving Holy Communion? He was never even reprimanded, not even a slap on the wrist. (Where are our stern sisters when we really need them?) Why is staying mum their only word? How did Kerry neutralize them? Did he castrate them while His Eminence held them down, and if so, was there ever anything there to cut off?

If they were real Churchmen then they would have pressed the issue, assembled as a fraternal collegiate body and excommunicated the reprobate en masse. It’s within their power and right. And it wouldn’t be considered “going over the boss’ head in Rome.” Instead, a mutual and silent understanding was “prudently” forged. -- DISGRACE!!! -– because effete “gentlemen” were playing back-room politics in an Arch-Episcopal Residence parlor and agreed to let the gory elephant escape so they wouldn’t get messed up or trampled upon. Meanwhile, democide continues in the hood while in the abortuories it’s big bloody business as usual…

And again I must reiterate my amazement and disappointment in our own ultrajectine tradition bishops who remain remiss in their duty. (Read 9/07/04, Dutch Euthanasia and Utrecht Kills Babies – Where Are Our Bishops?”) To the best of my knowledge, NONE have taken a public teaching position on these issues (abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research) during this election year. Only ONE, an exarch, had the guts to openly oppose a candidate, but [in my opinion] for the WRONG pro-life issue (which even the Pope reversed himself on last week.) They are a waste of good olive oil which would have been better off poured over a salad. They sin by cowardly omission. Shame on them, again.

But the people will be heard come this All Souls Day! I can only pray now that the Church Triumphant will avenge and assuage the Church Suffering by influencing the Church Militant here in America.

* CORRECTIVE NOTE: There were some who misinterpreted my Feast Day of St. Lawrence blog (8/10/04, Regarding the liberal Fr. Andrew M. Greeley of Chicago who supports pro-abortionist Kerry and contends that he found a canonical “loop-hole” to do so; “Liberal Catholic Maverick Priest Finds HOLE”) as inferring -- by quoting Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -- that it is okay for a Catholic to vote for a pro-abortion Catholic candidate. That could be true under certain extenuating circumstances, however, His Eminence made explicit distinctions that some readers are missing and distorting.

The Cardinal clearly stated that whenever it comes to evaluating the positions of political leaders, “not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia.” He adds that, “When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.”

This means that a Catholic may vote for someone who does not have a pure pro-life stance ONLY IF the sole other option is voting for someone who favors all abortion. There could never be a proportionate reason to condone the direct killing of an innocent human being. This ethic is consistent. It’s ludicrous to think that Cardinal Ratzinger would endorse voting for a pro-death candidate. I apologize and stand corrected if my glib sarcasm and disgust for this recreant modornist priest gave you the wrong impression.
There is no moral uncertainty or ever any possibility of legitimate debate regarding the abortion issue.


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