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TORC BLOG .....perspectives of a progressive cleric...: "I will go up unto the Altar of God..." (Psalm 42)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

"I will go up unto the Altar of God..." (Psalm 42)

As Holy Week approaches, I have these troubling concerns that I want to raise with many of my brethren. If they do not pertain than please share them with a brother priest who you may have noticed is either apathetic or not attentive to these important details:

First this anecdote which relates... Years ago I was a supply priest for an Orthodox monastery in Pennsylvania where I would offer Mass for the brothers and their parishioners. One day after Mass the abbot invited me to stay for a meal with him and his community and then sit in on one of their weekly meetings. There were ten men living together in one large house out in the country, quite comfortable but not always amicable.

So I'm sitting at the large refectory table with them, absorbing and appreciating their common religious life, when one of the guys raises a grievance which is seriously discussed. Then a resolution is passed: Thereafter, whenever any of the brothers uses the lavatory for his private business then he is to open the window and ventilate the room before he leaves it -- everybody, always, no exceptions! That was then written into their community house rules and immediately posted over the commode. I almost fell off my chair laughing in stitches. (So they locked me out of the john that entire day. Fortunately, the property was heavily wooded.)

That came to mind recently because I have been invited to concelebrate several Masses recently with brother priests. Usually they utilize rented sanctuaries in larger churches -- Protestant Episcopal, Lutheran or non-denominational. I've done the same thing on several occasions, but with mandatory ADDITIONS that other autocephalous clergy either overlook or consider to be unimportant...

1.) First, cleanse the profane table by blessing it.
2.) Then "ventilate" that sanctuary with prayers.
3.) Include your own "portable altar" for that Mass!

Whenever we celebrate the Holy Mass on a borrowed altar table, it is IMPERATIVE and canonically required that ALL Catholic and Orthodox priests do so over the relics of the Holy Martyrs and/or Saints. Having a small relic of a saint or a second or third class relic (not even authenticated) sitting far off to the side of that table WILL NOT SUFFICE. And the relics of these martyrs must be
UNDER the corporal!

It is also proper for us to first cleanse that table with Holy Water because we do not know who was there before us and doing God knows what. Most of these churches have women "clergy" and other laypeople and circus groups performing liturgics on these tables and many of these liturgies and rites are quite novel, inappropriate and outright blasphemous. One should not have their family eat where others foul unless they first clean house and then prepare a righteous table for them.

Whenever I remind my brother clergy of this (discretely in the sacristy as we vest for Mass) it is usually dismissed as not important or I'm laughed at. They are more concerned about their vestments or lighting charcoals for incense. Sad. Very sad. I will decline to concelebrate with them at the next Mass where I see priests refuse to follow this canon or heed the essentials (which are NOT mere "externals"). Such a cavalier attitude is sacrilegious.

So here's a suggestion, guys: If the host pastor and/or those clergy are nearby, I avoid diplomatic hassles and theological arguments by being discreet. Just unobtrusively and nonchalantly sprinkle the table with Holy Water while you prepare the altar for Mass so as not to offend their sensitivities. The prayers can be said silently.

If you do not have a portable altar stone (which usually contains the relics of two canonized martyrs) then obtain an antimension from your Bishop. (I always include an extra one, retired from a former parish, in my traveling Mass kit.) He is canonically required to provide you with an authenticated one after ordination or incardination just like the Holy Oils and your Instrument of Faculties. ...Place it within your burse with the corporal then place it UNDER that corporal just before the Canon of the Mass. Nobody need to know what you are doing and why, especially the host clergy.

Whenever one utilizes Anglican Catholic churches then this is not necessary since they DO have valid Holy Orders,the Sacraments, consecrated altars and holy sanctuaries (thanks to our ORC bishops acting as sub-consecrators). Usually I celebrate on ORC, RC or Anglo Catholic altars whenever not at my own altar so I need not attend to these matters. However, non-Catholic altar tables MUST be cleansed and "ventilated" with Holy Water and prayer before celebrating the Sacred Mystery upon it!
And all priests MUST celebrate Mass over the holy relics.

Also, gentlemen, I see too many clerics giving readings and homilies without FIRST reverencing the Altar. They strut right up to the podium or pulpit and bypass the Altar. WRONG! LAZY and PIGGISH! That Holy Altar represents Christ. Where are your manners to Him? Do NOT read or preach, or even pass by, without reverencing the Altar. A simple nod of the head would suffice (not really) if you can't make a profound bow to the Altar. Do you really think that the Faithful do not notice these things? They do and many of you are giving scandal to them. So get with the Catholic program, guys, please.


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