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TORC BLOG .....perspectives of a progressive cleric...: Struggles of a TORC Franciscan Street Brother

Friday, August 13, 2004

Struggles of a TORC Franciscan Street Brother

In his recent pastoral letter, the TORC Ordinary in Cincinnati, Ohio, Bishop Michael Stephen, OCD, upheld the fierce example of a TORC Franciscan brother in Arkansas who is being persecuted for his witness and beliefs. Within that epistle, His Excellency relates this recent account...

Brother Anthony Mary Fidelis (Bilello) OSF, is a "regular" on the streets of Little Rock, AK. That's where he lives and serves. Several times a week he is seen in his Traditional Catholic Franciscan habit collecting money for the sick and poor and donations for his many pro-life causes. (He is registered and certified by local and state authorities to solicit monies for charity.)

And more often he is seen outside the local abortuary where he prominently prays his Rosary in reparation for the murders within that local killing factory. There he also offers prayers, sidewalk counseling and crises intervention to potential victims. Never does he interfere or trespass.

Ironically - and most fittingly, Br. Anthony's walking beat is concentrated on President Clinton Avenue - the future site of his Presidential Library to be completed this year at the cost of more than $104 million. That notorious pro-abortionist was born, raised and resided within this same community where he lived and served as Governor before "carpet bagging" it out of the White House (with national valuables in tow: china, silverware, supplies, etc. - after graffiting the Oval Office) here to NY where his loyal wife, Hillary, now serves as our US Senator. These covert baby killer enablers have sinister aspirations.

Little Rock, AK is a tight community where people know their neighbors, providers and co-workers. Br. Anthony is more outgoing than most. This contemplative is no meek little friar. There is a burning fire which animates and drives him. Often it's described as an "anger" -- anger for the exploitation and victimization of the desperate and down trodden. It's the same kind of righteous anger which our Lord displayed in His Father's House when he drove out the money changers from the Temple. The friar is on fire with the Holy Spirit! And the streets of Arkansas get hot in the broiling sun especially under a dark Franciscan habit. On this particular day, last July 4th, a glass of water compassionately donated to him by some of Pres. Bush's supporters could have dried him up. But it didn't.

....Brother Anthony was silently standing outside a restaurant with his poor box when a Democratic campaign rally worker offered him a "John Kerry for President" sticker along with her hype. Brother politely declined to accept the wavering hypocrite candidate's literature and then ignored her and her group. The indignant woman then observed some of the restaurant workers come out and give him a cold glass of water -- as they usually do when he regularly stands there 6-8 hours a day in the summer sun (often with a heat index of 107 degrees). He was obviously appreciative and exchanged a few pleasantries with them. Then a few of the guys from there (who are vocal and pro-active in support of our President) wanted to take a friendly photo alongside him, which he consented to. Not that he had to, Brother later explained, "It was a familial thing." Stupid? Reckless? No. I'd do the same.

So this partisan lady (if I can call her that), Frances Block, writes in reprisal to the Editor of the Arkansas Times, their alternative" weekly community newspaper, under the heading "BEWARE! 'PRIEST" misstating that he is a "fraud" who is collecting money for the George W. Bush group under false pretenses. The humble Brother later explains, "....She also referred to me as a 'priest' when I am just a nobody human Brother. Listen... being a nobody is far underrated (smile)..." While relating the damage her slanderous libel had caused to his reputation and local ministry, Brother Anthony Mary Fidelis, OSF, asked us to pray for her, "She needs prayer just as all of us do. God bless you."

As I mentioned, Br. Anthony Mary abandoned a promising secular career for his vocation. So he answered God's call to him and heeded the Rule of St. Francis which dictates: "If thou wilst be perfect, give up what you own and follow me and our Christ." He then professed with the TORC Franciscan Brothers of Divine Providence - Servants of the Sick and Poor -- a Third Order Regular (TOR) order of tertiary nursing Catholic friars. Brother Anthony has been a Religious for about 30 years now. Upon entering religious life that he also began training as a nurse to better serve those he ministers to.

There in Little Rock, Brother Anthony also serves a religious cottage industry to supplement the self support of his community. Their Franciscan Tailor Shop -- at 1318 South Pierce Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204, (501) 663-4900 -- specializes in the production of authentic monastic religious habits and rosaries for both male and female Traditional Catholic religious communities. (They also produce same for boni fide historians/collectors and select theatrical groups. However, they do NOT participate in providing costumes to anyone who would wear or showcase them in an inappropriate manner.)

Regarding the monies in question which he legally solicits on the streets, Br. Anthony explained, "....In compliance with the vow of poverty, this money MUST go to the needy. No money is used to support me. Through nursing care and habit making the apostolate is supported. Under very strict vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, we come together as a community (religious brothers & priests) to care for ALL of God's children. This is done by nursing care for indigent terminal cancer and AIDS patients, providing food and utility payments for the seniors living on such fixed income. In addition, I assist with social services medical managed care and Case Management. In no way is this being said in vanity but just to explain who we are and what we do. I am far from sanctity and Sainthood... trust me on that one! No cool offices and asking for money for us, but doing what our founder (Francis of Assisi) did ...working in the trenches and with joy and love. Still in full habits so we may be a visible sign in the world today. We rely on and radically trust in God's Divine Providence..."

I suddenly recall that distant time almost 30 years ago when as a tonsured seminarist brother in clerical collar, I was dispatched by my first Ordinary to solicit contributions for the ORCC within Penn Station, the larger PATH train terminals and Grand Central Station in NYC during the Christmas Season... Obediently, trusting, young and stupid, I did so with outstretched basket in one hand and a small bell (ala "Salvation Army style") in the other. However, I was minus the necessary legal credentials and permissions - and my superiors could have cared less. But the "take" was good.

....Along came a young "thug", much like me back then, who tossed a gum wrapper into my basket... The blood rushed to my 22 year-old head.... I retrieved it, balled it up and tossed it back at him. Fortunately for at least one of us, I was wearing a collar. He smiled and walked on... Much later he returned with an Am Trac transit cop Sgt. and flashes a badge into my face. The smart ass "thug" was undercover. I'm led off in handcuffs to a police substation, "defrocked", stripped to my underwear and interrogated for hours. My Bishop had not provided me with civil credentials and none of the clergy were available via phone to vouch for my identity.

Numerous calls over the ensuing hours were fruitless as the cops began to lose patience with me (save one). I was labeled a "fraud" and "con artist" scamming people at Christmas time as a "phony priest." The Irish cops from Notre Dam Univ. were pissed off at me. So they gleefully give me a cup of urine to drink when I asked for water. And then I was worked over big time, physically and psychologically. As I was being processed for transport to Rikers Island Jail to await booking the next morning, a call to the NJ Council of Churches (which I sat upon as the sole Catholic representative) finally vindicated me.

The cops were appalled that they had raked a clergyman all day. (And they obviously feared a false arrest lawsuit.) They could not have been any more contrite and sincerely apologetic. They even took up a large collection for my basket -- which I REFUSED to accept for my jurisdiction. But I did accept their group apology and did agree to tear up my fingerprints and police report, etc. in front of them. (Heck, they did exactly what I would have done under those circumstances, if not worse. I did seem like a typical scam artist who were running rampant back then. Plus, I was wearing my comfortable black Levi's. "That's what gave you away." they joked. Besides, I like and respect cops.) --- So, Brother Anthony, I admire your Christian attitude and tenacity. Good going, guy. Keep on trucking...

However, earlier they had brought in an elderly priest from the adjacent parish, St. Agnes I think, who was introduced to me as a RC bishop. I knew he wasn't, (he had no ring or pectoral) but played along anyway out of curiosity and gave him the same respect I'd show the Cardinal Archbishop. He briefly questioned me. As soon as he heard me say that I was an ORC cleric he became disgusted. "Since you have no police record, promise to repent your schism and then apologize to these cops for your disgraceful conduct and I'll guarantee your immediate release." That infuriated me. He had to know that I was just as valid, though "irregular" in his eyes, as he was (God rest his soul).

I then DEMANDED of him that the police first ascertain my clerical status. I refused this priest's "plea-bargain" so he left in a huff leaving me to hang. And the beat went on... But all's well that ends well. I was in my own bed that night and a lot wiser -- though shaken, irate and humiliated by the Vatican priest and my own long distance Bishop in southern NJ (who was finally reached by the cops and loudly berated me for "getting caught.") That Sunday, the Bishop expressed his appreciation for the large collection and told me that I was gifted at such funds-raising. He even offered me a generous travel stipend -- which I also refused, just like his request for me to go back out there again without documentation. (But I still wear my black Levi's with clericals.)

Lest he be misidentified and misconstrued again (that's what we would prefer to believe happened -- but don't), I should explain and disclaim that the good brother is NOT affiliated with those independent Franciscan communities which use the same title or similar sounding names:

1.) Unlike Br. Anthony's TORC community, the Franciscans of Divine Providence from Rhode Island-New England under the direction of their Bishop/Guardian General Russell Francis Coates, Jr. -- who for whatever reason(s) does not publicly detail his lines of Apostolic Succession -- are an Old Catholic group which celebrate a liturgy ("similar" they say) to the Protestant Episcopal/Novus Ordo one. Easy to discern, their optional multi-colored clerical clothing is not traditional, nor are habits regular or mandatory. That prolific Old Catholic group also "ordains" women and sprang from the "free christian catholic orthodox church" in 1995. (They may or may not be the same "free catholic church, et al" which conducts mass "episcopal consecrations" in stadiums much like the Moonies do their weddings.) They claim to have "returned to independent status" last year.

2.) A Caribbean mission of the UAC is also known as the Franciscan Brothers of Divine Providence, under Bishop José Delgado, their Provincial They have several houses in Puerto Rico and a companion order of Sisters in Tanzania providing a similar compassionate ministry. Their United Anglican Church is an Anglican continuing church body formed by the merger of the Anglo-Catholic Church in the Americas (ACTA) and the Traditional Episcopal Church (TEC).

3.) Neither is Brother Anthony affiliated with the Old Catholic Apostolic Society of Franciscan Communities (ASFC) under the guidance of Bishop Francis Maria G. Salvato, SFI, ThD, MSc. in Florida.

Within his pastoral letter, Bishop Michael Stephen, OCD, remarked, "...Needless to say it is not surprising to know this persecution is happening. If we were not subjected to persecution and attack we would not know the joy of serving Our Lord. I urge the priests of the jurisdiction to remember Bro. Anthony and the Franciscans of Divine Providence – Servants of the Sick and Poor at all Masses being offered. I will be writing a letter of support to the Arkansas Times on behalf of Bro. Anthony and the Community there. I can personally vouch for the good work that Bro. Anthony and his brothers do in Little Rock. As an “almost” Franciscan (Capuchin Franciscans - Italian Province, Paterson NJ), I ask, “For the love of God and our Holy Father, St. Francis” to pray in earnest for Bro. Anthony and the Community there and those who persecute them."

I'll conclude with this first-hand-account "Letter to the Editor" which one of Brother Anthony Mary Fidelis' witnesses wrote in support of him:

Arkansas Times
Letters to the Editor
Post Office Box 34010
Rock, AR 72203
FAX (501) 375-3623

In your July 15, 2004, issue, you ran a letter from Frances Grace Block of Little Rock entitled “Beware ‘Priest’.

The man accused of being a priest is actually a certified drug counselor, nurse and brother of a Franciscan order. He has taken vows of obedience, poverty and chastity to stand at the corner of President Clinton and St. Vincent’s to collect money for the poor. The money is normally used to buy food for the poor. He doesn’t say a word to anyone, just stands there with his arms holding the box. He is Brother Anthony, formerly with a career in health care, which would pay him about $50,000 now. I suppose that is his donation to society.

It is false to say that he supports Bush–Cheney, although we would accept it gladly. During the run-up to the July 4th fireworks show at Riverfront Park, I as a Bush volunteer was stationed at one corner with the Kerry people on the opposite corner. A man, his wife and child in a stroller walked down the street toward the amphitheater. Ms. Block asked to provide them with Kerry literature, the man declined saying that he couldn’t support abortion and pointed to his young child.

He then came and received one of our stickers. Brother Anthony give the man a “thumbs up” sign, which evidently perturbed Ms. Block. Since Senator Kerry believes that life begins at conception, he may be pro-life personally, but since he votes pro-choice before he knew that life began at conception….

But, Brother Anthony is not a supporter of President Bush, but can’t vote for Senator Kerry and remain true to his vows. Sad isn’t it, when a Franciscan Brother can’t vote for one of our candidates for the Office of President. Such as the world is today, I suppose.

It should go without saying the money in the box is for the poor of Little Rock, in food, bus tickets, etc. He is licensed by the City for his location, the organization is incorporated and he maintains professional certifications and licenses, not the usual route for a petty thief.

He happened to be in our midst for but a few minutes that night, talking and posing for a picture. It doesn’t take long to be slandered, libeled and tainted. His concern is that one of the poor, the truly needy might be adversely effected by this. After all, who wants to donate, even a buck to a scam artist.

So, if a dollar is not given that would have been otherwise, Ms. Block has taken food from the mouth of the poor, probably in their most desperate hour, from the single mother, the homeless alcoholic, the struggling transient. Maybe in the repose in the air conditioning of her living room, when outside it is a heat index of 107 and Brother Anthony has to tell the hungry that there is just not as much as there used to be, before THE COMMENT, they will have been worth saying.

Mark Clinton

May God Bless you and keep you,
Br. Anthony Mary Fidelis, O.S.F.


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