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TORC BLOG .....perspectives of a progressive cleric...: FOR SHAME !!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Here's a NYC shout-out with howling jeers and wet, stinking "Brooklyn cheers" to John Kerry. What a lousy hypocrite. Yesterday he promised to cease active campaigning until President Ronald Reagan is buried Friday evening. NOT.

"We're going to suspend any sort of overtly political rallies," Mr. Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told reporters after attending Mass at St. Anthony's Shrine in Boston's financial district. (At least we can be sure that he did not profane the Holy Eucharist THERE through his pro-abortion mouth. On Theodore Cardinal McCarrick's turf, perhaps, but NOT there. -- Not with the stringent new Bishop in town, +Seán Patrick O'Malley.)

Those fund-raisers here in NYC and in Los Angeles - featuring leftists Barbara Streisand, Neil Diamond, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Jon Bon Jovi, etc. - had been expected to yield several million dollars for the campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Besides the postponed fund-raisers, Mr. Kerry canceled trips to Arizona, Pennsylvania and back to Ohio, all expected to be important states in the fall election, as well as a visit to Colorado, typically GOP turf he is hoping to contest this November.

Since his daughter, Alexandra, graduates from the American Film Institute tomorrow, most likely he won't attend President Reagan's state funeral at the Capitol on Wednesday evening. How convenient. He plans to spend the balance of the week in private meetings in Washington. "I have a lot to do, don't worry,'' Mr. Kerry told reporters traveling with him.

We're not worried. But why are we not surprised?

Both candidates promised to suspend commercials for 24 hours on Friday to remove partisanship from the airwaves on the day of former President Ronald Reagan's funeral. Stephanie Cutter, a spokeswoman for Mr. Kerry, said: "There are moments where partisan differences must be put aside for the better of the nation. Friday is one of those moments."

$$ Smart $$ -- but NOT "respectful". He realizes that he is out of media focus anyway with our nation in mourning for its most esteemed fallen leader who won his election by the largest landslide.

He lied. Some might prefer to call this more double talk from both sides of his mouth. He lied! His sanctioned mud slinging is in full force on at least both his official John Kerry blog and the "Democratic Underground" blog. The guy has no class, just sheer crass and contempt.

I would repeat the classic question posed by Joseph Welch to Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy: (Which was 50 years ago tomorrow) "....Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

That being said, it's obvious that the Internet is considered fair territory by his kind. Okay then, the blinders and gloves come off. I never liked or respected him anyway.

PS: Go ahead and litigate me, Kerry, et al. We don't take any federal monies. Sic the IRS on me. Our 501 (c) (3) is still pending anyway. Besides, this isn't political. Now it's personal.


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